“In 2018 307,200 people were inactive in the Black Country, this represents nearly a third of the population, with the borough of Sandwell ranking 8th out of 326 in the National rankings of most inactive ares of the UK.” – Black Country Consortium, UK Active Lives, October 2018 Release

Community Projects

We believe our community projects are key to make golf more inclusive and accessible to people that wouldn’t typically get to experience the social, mental and physical health benefits that sport has to offer. In 2020 we will be looking to set up new projects in local parks, leisure centres and school community clubs, working in partnership with other like minded organisations, to roll out a more comprehensive sport offering.

Working in Partnership with Local Golf Clubs

We are already working in partnership with a friendly and welcoming pay and play golf course, Warley Woods, near Bearwood, where we have helped link the golf club to the community. During this season we will look to link with further golf clubs and their coaches’ and work with them to strengthen community links between community and club.